måndag 28 januari 2008

Survived the first two weeks

well then it took me a while to post again, but now I'm back.
The day after my last post I reached my "turning point". I felt I had more energy, the swelling had gone down and when I looked in the mirror I started seeing where all of this is going. My face is still pretty stiff, but I'm getting a clue what my new smile is going to look like and seeing that made my laugh and cry of joy.. I'm gonna be smiling constantly when this thing is over.

Things went just fine at the hospital. The stitches on my forehead were removed. The ones in my mouth are going in two more days.

A few days ago, the swelling to my face was almost all gone and I was feeling better and better every day.
Then I woke up yesterday, with half of my face all swolled up again, and feeling weak and in some pain. I called the hospital and got to come in immediatley. It seems I've gote another infection, so now... more antibiotics... :-(
This time I got a different kind though, three pills so far and no problems, so hopefully I'll make it through.

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