torsdag 14 februari 2008

Orthodontist appointment yesterday

So yesterday i saw my orthodontist again. This time I got new elastics. During the day I wear two, one on each side. During night I wear one in the fron to keep my bite closed. This is kinda difficult since I'm still having trouble breathing through my nose when I lie down.
When he put the first elastic on I went "ooooouuuch".. The left side of my jaw hurt bad from the pulling. So he changed to one that doesn't pull as much, I'll be getting the other kind in 5 weeks when I'm hopefully more adjusted.

Anyway I got some really good news. I figured I'd be rid of my braces after the summer some time, but now I'm told they will most likely be removed well before the summer. Wohoo!!! I am sooo looking forward to that.
When this is all done I will probably want to go and get my teeth whitened too, the only thing left to feel unhappy about is the yellow shade. But I can't give up coffee, tea and red wine..

måndag 11 februari 2008

4 weeks update, with pictures

Finally I'm able to show a couple of pictures of my progress. Or really, I can't believe I actually dare show them, haha...
I look and feel "okay" right now, but I'm still far from "normal".

This is my profile a couple of days after surgery. Swollen and bruised...

Profile now, 4 weeks after. Looks a lot better, especially under my chin. Still a bit swollen, especially my cheeks in the area around my nose.

Front a couple of days after surgery. Yikes I look tired.. and so I was.

Heres the front now, 4 weeks after. I think my face looks kind of crooked.. maybe partly that the swelling is uneven, but I think it looks less crooked and feels better if I don't wear the rubberbands that are supposed to keep my lower jaw in the right place. But if I don't wear them, my teeth don't come together the way they should.

This was how I looked when I woke up to find half my face had swolled up again. I could barely open my left eye. This was when I was put on antibiotics for the second time.

This is my bite right now. I notice in this picture I'm struggling against the rubberbands, trying to keep my jaw where it feels more natural, but then the midlines don't come together.
But still, looking at this picture I think "WOW".. you should have then what it looked like before...

torsdag 7 februari 2008

3 weeks, 2 days

Hey, I'm feeling great.

No more antibiotics. I'm now able to open my mouth about two fingers wide, which I couldn't only a week ago, so it's yet another sign of improvement. I got clearance from my OS to practice opening and closing as well as moving my jaw from side to side, so I've been doing that a lot.

Oh, and the sense of touch is coming back to the right side of my face. Slowly, but it's progressing. I just pinched myself in various spots where I couldn't feel pain last time I posted, but now it did hurt a bit in all places.

Oh sweet progress :-) Easy to forget about how I felt the first week after surgery.