måndag 26 maj 2008

Happy teeth! :)

I have kept you waiting, I know, but here is the picture update.
First, I took my camera along to the orthodontist and took these pictures to document the change that has been made in these years. I chose a picture taken without flash, cause those taken with would have made you blind, :D
On the left: "Before" braces and surgery. Yikes, looking at my old teeth, they look freaky...lol Middle: "During" the process, before surgery. You can see my bite opened up even more as they moved my teeth. On the Right: "After" Surgery done, and braces removed.. Lovely :)
Before, from the right. My upper jaw was yet a bit more in front of the lower than the picture shows though.

During, from the left. My teeth looked a whole lot better, but this was my bite though. As you can see only the teeth in the back made contact.

After, from the right. Teeth usable for both chewing and biting.
Today I had a granny smith apple, and I was so happy when I ate it. I could take big bites out of it, instead of just gnawing with my upper teeth.

Okay, so I tryed to smile fore the camera. A bit forced smile, trying to show off my teeth. Not perfect, but a whole lot better.

Showing off a little more.. Okay, now I just have to get get em bleeched, lol.
So apart from this joy, how have I been feeling?
My gumbs are still numb on my upper jaw.. it still tingles on and around my lips on the right side, sich makes kissing my fiance very ticklish..
My jaws feel.. "tired" a lot. And my upper jaw still doesn't feel natural.. like it's protesting it's new location. The fact that my upper lip has become shorter on the inside annoys me. I find myself trying to stretch it out sometimes.
I'm hoping these things will get better with time, or maybe I'll just learn to live with it.
After all, I AM happy I went through with this!